Biological Pest Control and Integrated Pest Management


Order your fly control today though our secure web server or call (800) 477-3715

Enter Your Zip Code

Enter your zip code to calculate a schedule based on frost dates
or leave blank to make your own schedule.

Do you have a lot of flies right now?

Yes     No

Number of Animals

We will calculate the recommended quantity based on the number of Fly Parasites per animal











Chickens, Small

Other, Large

*Please Note: When counting swine, count a sow and litter as 2 adult animals.

Frequency of Shipments

Distribution frequencies are based upon several considerations. Where there is a history of heavy fly infestations, damp climates or in locations where there is more fly habitat, more frequent distributions may be needed. In cases of good manure management, dry climate and less fly habitat, less frequent distributions may suffice. Following are normal minimum distribution frequencies for the animals listed in our Animal Tally:

Animal Type Quantity Per Animal Frequency
Horses 1/2 colony per every 5 horses Distributed Every 2 to 4 weeks
Cattle, Buffalo 1/2 colony per every 5 animals Distributed Every 1 to 3 weeks
Goats, Sheep, Dogs 1/2 colony per every 15 animals Distributed Every 2 to 4 weeks
Miniatures, Burros 1/2 colony per every 10 animals Distributed Every 2 to 4 weeks
Swine 1/2 colony per every 10 animals Distributed Every 1 to 2 weeks
Chickens, Turkeys (on wire) 1/2 colony per every 2,000 birds Distributed Every 1 to 2 weeks
Ostriches, Emus 1/2 colony per every 15 birds Distributed Every 2 to 4 weeks
Llamas, Alpacas 1/2 colony per every 10 animals Distributed Every 2 to 4 weeks
Feedlots, Dairies, Zoos Please Call Please Call
Animals Not Listed Please Call Please Call

Frost Date Data

First Frost Date: Last Frost Date:

Suggested Order Details

First Shippment Date: Quantity Per Shipment: Shipment Frequency: Every weeks Total number of shipments:

Modify your purchase options

Start Date: Quantity Per Shipment (use 0.5 for half order): Frequency: Total number of shipments:

Order Details

Ship Date Quantity Per Shipment Select Bonus Shipment*
(choose a date below)
Early Bird Bonus**
(choose a date below)
Double First Order (Do you have a Fly problem right now?):
Double Order $
Total * ** $
*FREE Bonus shipment is only available for orders of 6 or more shipments
**FREE Early Bird Bonus shipment is only available for orders placed before April 1st

Please make sure your order is exactly how you want it.
Once you add it to the cart, you can’t go back.
You’ll have to start over to make changes!

Use this table for reference when creating a custom order

Animal Type Quantity Per Animal Frequency
Horses 1/2 colony per every 5 horses Distributed Every 2 to 4 weeks
Cattle, Buffalo 1/2 colony per every 5 animals Distributed Every 1 to 3 weeks
Goats, Sheep, Dogs 1/2 colony per every 15 animals Distributed Every 2 to 4 weeks
Miniatures, Burros 1/2 colony per every 10 animals Distributed Every 2 to 4 weeks
Swine 1/2 colony per every 10 animals Distributed Every 1 to 2 weeks
Chickens, Turkeys (on wire) 1/2 colony per every 2,000 birds Distributed Every 1 to 2 weeks
Ostriches, Emus 1/2 colony per every 15 birds Distributed Every 2 to 4 weeks
Llamas, Alpacas 1/2 colony per every 10 animals Distributed Every 2 to 4 weeks
Feedlots, Dairies, Zoos Please Call Please Call
Animals Not Listed Please Call Please Call