Biological Pest Control and Integrated Pest Management

CEASE® Microbial Fungicide And Bactericide

OMRI listed logo for organic use certification badge

Based on a naturally occurring, patented strain of Bacillus subtilis (strain QST 713), Cease® fungicide provides effective control of a wide array of both fungal and bacterial pathogens while providing outstanding plant, human and environmental safety. 

Cease® is also an excellent tank-mix or rotational partner in your disease control program, compatible with most commonly used pesticides, nutrients and adjuvants.

For Foliar Diseases

Cease® is an effective alternative to synthetic chemicals for fungal pathogens such as Botrytis gray mold and powdery mildew and to coppers for bacterial diseases such as Pseudomonas, Erwinia and Xanthomonas. With a 4-hour restricted entry interval and a 0-day preharvest interval, Cease provides growers with flexibility and labor cost savings.

Applying Cease® as a foliar spray ensures effective coverage for managing aerial fungal and bacterial pathogens.

For Soil Diseases

Cease is also a broad-spectrum root biofungicide for the prevention, suppression and control of soil-borne diseases on a wide range of ornamentals and vegetables. Cease enhances germination and plant growth by suppressing diseases caused by Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Fusarium and Phytophthora.

Cease® Benefits:

  • Proven efficacy against BOTH fungal and bacterial pathogens
  • Excellent safety – only a 4-hour REI can be sprayed up to and on the day of harvest!
  • Leaves virtually NO residues on plant foliage or flowers
  • Performs as well as copper-based products without phytotoxicity or residues
  • Controls disease using multi-site modes of action for effective resistance management
  • Safe for beneficial insects and bees
  • Compatible for tank-mixing / rotating with other registered products
  • OMRI Listed and NOP-approved for use in organic production
  • Excellent for sustainability and IPM programs

Fungal and Bacterial Diseases Controlled

Cease® controls common fungal diseases such as Botrytis, powdery mildew, Anthracnose and several leaf spot diseases such as Alternaria and Entomosporium. Cease® also controls bacterial diseases such as Pseudomonas, Erwinia, and Xanthomonas spp., as well as soil diseases Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Fusarium and Phytophthora.

Mode Of Action

Based on a naturally occurring patented strain of Bacillus subtilis (strain QST 713), Cease® contains a group of natural antifungal and antibacterial compounds with multiple modes of action to destroy pathogens. Cease® is a valuable addition to any disease control program where resistance development is a concern.

Application Recommendations

Cease® can be applied in greenhouse, field, interiorscape, residential and commercial landscapes and shade house environments on a wide array of ornamentals including bedding plants, potted plants, cut flowers, tropical foliage and container grown trees, shrubs, and vegetables grown under cover. 

Cease is a fungicide and bactericide. Ideally, it should be used when conditions favor disease development but before the onset of symptoms. It may also be used at the first sign of disease symptoms. Since Cease controls diseases through multiple modes of action, it is ideally suited for programs to manage resistance. 

If employing chemical fungicides with a single site of action, it is best to break up the chemical cycle by rotating Cease into the program.

Cease can be applied in as often as 3-day intervals. Spraying at 7-day intervals is recommended for prevention when conditions are optimal for the disease. While the rate range for Cease® is from 2 quarts to 8 quarts per 100 gallons, the most commonly used rate is 4 quarts. Rates will vary depending on disease pressure.

Microbial Fungicide And Bactericide Compatibility

Cease®, a liquid formulation, easily goes into suspension. It is compatible with a wide range of pesticides, fertilizers and adjuvants. A spreader/sticker or wetting agent is recommended to improve canopy penetration and coverage. Cease can be used immediately before or after a B-Nine application without the phytotoxicity concerns common with coppers.

Cease works well when tank-mixed with MilStop®. Together, these products have provided an added boost in controlling pathogens.

Maintain a spray solution pH between 4.5 and 8.5. Unlike copper-based bactericides, Cease® may be used with pH-lowering materials such as fosetyl-AL, phosphonic acids and daminozide without causing injury to plants.

Note: CEASE® cannot ship to NV!