Biological Pest Control and Integrated Pest Management

Necessary Info

The following was originally written by Mike Cherim, founder of

An Introduction to the Green Methods

This section used to be called GM 101 to mark it as a primer of sorts and it began with this introduction. There’s a lot to know. This GM 101 section is a good preparation for that which follows, It’s not necessarily an easy journey — though not terribly difficult either — but it is attainable.

The History of Biocontrol & IPM

You may be thinking this is some new-fangled, far-out thing, using bugs to control bugs and all. But it’s been around longer than you think. In practice by man, it’s been around since the late 1880s. In practice by nature, it’s been around since the dawn of time.

The Beginning: Starting Out in IPM and Biocontrol

These introductions are presented incrementally and the trip should be taken one step at a time. This content was derived from book (no longer in print). This is one of those early chapters. This is it, the beginning.

The Transition to Biocontrol and IPM: Part I, II, & III”

Moving ahead requires change. Between the state which is now to the one which will be requires a transition. Fight it and it can be difficult; don’t and it can be easy. Here’s what you can expect, broken down into three easy parts. Click the title to proceed to the first of the three, then go to Part Two and Part Three. Think metamorphosis!

The Integration Part of IPM”

Sitting squarely on the narrow shoulders of the good bugs is the single largest responsibility in a well-crafted IPM program. Matters can be taken into your own hands, though. You can help the good bugs along while hampering the pests for starters. But tweak things, too much and you can re-take the responsibility. The I in IPM is for Integrated. Time to learn how.

Learn About Scouting for Pests”

Scouting is an absolutely critical function to IPM you need to concern yourself with. Of course, this holds true regardless of how you manage your plant pests. First you’ll need some how-to, and then you’ll need to formulate a Successful Scouting Plan. It’s important!

Selling Biocontrol and IPM Practices

If you’re going to do this you should try to make it pay. Some say that biocontrol is more expensive than conventional methods. Yet others exclaim how much they save. Both sides seem to agree their plants look healthier. And this fact should be advertised — or announced as free editorial content in your local paper or television station. If you’re doing green you may as well be selling green.

The Challenging Biocontrol and IPM Industry”

Just like any other business, from the country cottage to the big city corporation, there is an industry behind it all. A trade organization, a magazine, the works. There is also a Modus operandi. A way of doing business. Think about it. This is not socks sales or compact discs. These are living organisms. It’s probably a good idea to learn more about the industry — so you know before you go.

An Updated Perspective of Biocontrol and IPM”

The years as they pass are enlightening and telling. New ideas form in our minds and we learn new tricks-of-the-trade as they say from varied sources — mostly from you, the user. The information on this site matures, and in turn we offer you the our latest thoughts and some juicy tidbits.

Helpful Hints and Tidbits”

In addition to the Helpful Hints and Tidbits page the title-link leads to, we’re offering a lot more in this section. First of all we have a great Glossary of terms, then we offer a Required Reading list, and some handy Resource Links.