Biological Pest Control and Integrated Pest Management

Biocontrol/IPM Glossary

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Abdomen (ahB-Doh-men)
Insects have three body parts, the head, thorax and the abdomen. This describes the end furthest from the head. The butt, if you will.
Allelochemic (ah-LELL-O-kem-ick)
Describes a substance produced by an insect designed to elicit a response from another insect of a different species. An allelochemic substance, Kairomone, produced by aphids attract aphid predators.
Amphimixis (am-fih-MIX-iss)
The mixing of germ plasma between two organisms during sexual reproduction.
ANBP (Abbreviation) (Ayy eNN Bee Pee)
The Association of Natural Biocontrol Producers. This organization is dedicated to smoothing the way to make worldwide biocontrol practices a reality in terms of economics, effectiveness, acceptance, standardization, quality control and assurance, and legislation.
APHIS (Acronym) (ayy-Fiss)
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. A divison of the USDA. The name is hopefully self-evident.
Arthropod (arr-THROW-pahd)
A group of joint-legged organisms, ie, insects, mites, etc.
Asexual (Aa-Sek-shoo-well)
Reproduction without the sex. Typically associated with unicellular organisms like bacteria where reproduction is by way of division or budding. Not fun.



Bacterium (bAHK-TEer-ee-um)
A microbe capable of causing disease.
Binomial (bii-NOME-ee-al)
Two Latin names combined, in compliance with the system of taxonomy. Genus and species, for example.
Biocontrol (bii-oh-KOhN-troll)
Using one type of living organism to affect a change in the population density of another organism. In its usage here, it specifically refers to using insects, mites, or nematodes to control common plant pests.
Bioluminescence (bii-oh-loom-eN-esS-SENSE)
The ability of a living organism to produce light.
Biolysis (bii-oLL-IH-Sys)
Dissolution of a living organism. Death.
Biorational (bii-oh-rASH-enn-al)
Pertains to chemical pesticides are their effect on biocontrol agents. As a rule of thumb, if a compound or substance lacks the ability to kill a biocontrol agent within 24 hours of direct contact, it is considered biorational, but this is debatable.
Biota (bii-Oh-tah)
The flora and/or fauna of a particular region.
Botanical (boh-TAN-ih-kal)
Pertaining in this case to a (-cide) compound or substance which is derived from plants.



—cide (suffix) (syDe)
Kills. Homicide, suicide, pesticide, fungicide, bactericide, etc. See the pattern here?
Cadaver (kah_DAV-‘er)
A dead body; the remains of a body upon death.
Carnivore (karr-neh-Vorr)
An organism which consumes meat only.
Chitins (Kiy-tinnz)
The nearly opaque, protective outer surface of insects (exoskeleton) created by nitrogen containing polysaccharides.
Chlorosis (klorr-OH-sis)
A yellowing, whitening, or paling of plant parts which are normally green, such as interveinal chlorosis which takes pace between leaf veins. The cause is a lack of chlorophyll, the root cause can be insect-, disease-, or nutrient-related.
Clime/Climate (kliime/klii-mahte)
The weather — temperature, humidity, dew point, etc. — conditions of a specific region or area.
Control (kohn-TRol)
As used here, control means to develop active dominance over the pests on one’s plants. It is not elimination, it is, well, simply control.
Cotyledons (Kaht-ee-lee-dunnz)
The seed’s embryo developed into light green “seed leaves” Monocot or single leaf, and dicot or twin leaves.
Crawler (kraWL-luhr)
A nickname for the immature stages of certain insects like scales and mealybugs. The name derives from the fact that they are mobile during their immature stages — in a limited way, albeit, but still mobile.
Cuticle (ku-Teh-kull)
The outer skin, epidermis, shell, or exoskeleton of an arthropod.



Desiccant (dess-ih-KANT)
A substance or compound which can dry something. Diatomaceous earth (DE) is one example. It cuts and dries insects.
Detritus (dee-TRy-tiss)
Waste materials, litter, rotting organic matter. Compost is valuable detritus.
Detrivore (deh-Trih-Vorr)
An organism which consumes rotting material (compost) only.
Diapause (dii-ah-PAUZ)
A quiescent state similar to hibernation. Insects will not feed or reproduce while undergoing diapause. Triggered by temperature and/or photoperiod.
Diatoms (dii-ah-TOMZ)
Any of various microscopic single-celled marine algae having cell walls composed of silica and consisting of two interlocking symmetrical valves.
Diatomaceous earth (dii-ah-TOM-ayy-shus errth)
An abrasive and powerful dessicant powder made from the shells of diatoms. Sometimes used as an insecticide component. The sharp particles damage soft-bodied larvae insects causing them to dehydrate and die.
Diurnal (dii-err-Nal)
Hunting, feeding, and general living during the day time.
