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- Abdomen (ahB-Doh-men)
- Insects have three body parts, the head, thorax and the abdomen. This describes the end furthest from the head. The butt, if you will.
- Allelochemic (ah-LELL-O-kem-ick)
- Describes a substance produced by an insect designed to elicit a response from another insect of a different species. An allelochemic substance, Kairomone, produced by aphids attract aphid predators.
- Amphimixis (am-fih-MIX-iss)
- The mixing of germ plasma between two organisms during sexual reproduction.
- ANBP (Abbreviation) (Ayy eNN Bee Pee)
- The Association of Natural Biocontrol Producers. This organization is dedicated to smoothing the way to make worldwide biocontrol practices a reality in terms of economics, effectiveness, acceptance, standardization, quality control and assurance, and legislation.
- APHIS (Acronym) (ayy-Fiss)
- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. A divison of the USDA. The name is hopefully self-evident.
- Arthropod (arr-THROW-pahd)
- A group of joint-legged organisms, ie, insects, mites, etc.
- Asexual (Aa-Sek-shoo-well)
- Reproduction without the sex. Typically associated with unicellular organisms like bacteria where reproduction is by way of division or budding. Not fun.
- Bacterium (bAHK-TEer-ee-um)
- A microbe capable of causing disease.
- Binomial (bii-NOME-ee-al)
- Two Latin names combined, in compliance with the system of taxonomy. Genus and species, for example.
- Biocontrol (bii-oh-KOhN-troll)
- Using one type of living organism to affect a change in the population density of another organism. In its usage here, it specifically refers to using insects, mites, or nematodes to control common plant pests.
- Bioluminescence (bii-oh-loom-eN-esS-SENSE)
- The ability of a living organism to produce light.
- Biolysis (bii-oLL-IH-Sys)
- Dissolution of a living organism. Death.
- Biorational (bii-oh-rASH-enn-al)
- Pertains to chemical pesticides are their effect on biocontrol agents. As a rule of thumb, if a compound or substance lacks the ability to kill a biocontrol agent within 24 hours of direct contact, it is considered biorational, but this is debatable.
- Biota (bii-Oh-tah)
- The flora and/or fauna of a particular region.
- Botanical (boh-TAN-ih-kal)
- Pertaining in this case to a (-cide) compound or substance which is derived from plants.
- —cide (suffix) (syDe)
- Kills. Homicide, suicide, pesticide, fungicide, bactericide, etc. See the pattern here?
- Cadaver (kah_DAV-‘er)
- A dead body; the remains of a body upon death.
- Carnivore (karr-neh-Vorr)
- An organism which consumes meat only.
- Chitins (Kiy-tinnz)
- The nearly opaque, protective outer surface of insects (exoskeleton) created by nitrogen containing polysaccharides.
- Chlorosis (klorr-OH-sis)
- A yellowing, whitening, or paling of plant parts which are normally green, such as interveinal chlorosis which takes pace between leaf veins. The cause is a lack of chlorophyll, the root cause can be insect-, disease-, or nutrient-related.
- Clime/Climate (kliime/klii-mahte)
- The weather — temperature, humidity, dew point, etc. — conditions of a specific region or area.
- Control (kohn-TRol)
- As used here, control means to develop active dominance over the pests on one’s plants. It is not elimination, it is, well, simply control.
- Cotyledons (Kaht-ee-lee-dunnz)
- The seed’s embryo developed into light green “seed leaves” Monocot or single leaf, and dicot or twin leaves.
- Crawler (kraWL-luhr)
- A nickname for the immature stages of certain insects like scales and mealybugs. The name derives from the fact that they are mobile during their immature stages — in a limited way, albeit, but still mobile.
- Cuticle (ku-Teh-kull)
- The outer skin, epidermis, shell, or exoskeleton of an arthropod.
- Desiccant (dess-ih-KANT)
- A substance or compound which can dry something. Diatomaceous earth (DE) is one example. It cuts and dries insects.
- Detritus (dee-TRy-tiss)
- Waste materials, litter, rotting organic matter. Compost is valuable detritus.
- Detrivore (deh-Trih-Vorr)
- An organism which consumes rotting material (compost) only.
- Diapause (dii-ah-PAUZ)
- A quiescent state similar to hibernation. Insects will not feed or reproduce while undergoing diapause. Triggered by temperature and/or photoperiod.
- Diatoms (dii-ah-TOMZ)
- Any of various microscopic single-celled marine algae having cell walls composed of silica and consisting of two interlocking symmetrical valves.
- Diatomaceous earth (dii-ah-TOM-ayy-shus errth)
- An abrasive and powerful dessicant powder made from the shells of diatoms. Sometimes used as an insecticide component. The sharp particles damage soft-bodied larvae insects causing them to dehydrate and die.
- Diurnal (dii-err-Nal)
- Hunting, feeding, and general living during the day time.