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- Economic (ee-koh-NOM-ihk)
- The point at which a pest infestation can longer be controlled while retaining profitability. OR. At which point a pest infestation becomes bad enough to begin negatively affecting the crop to the degree that it will diminish its saleability.
- Ectoparasite (ehK-TOH-pahreh-eh-syTe)
- A parasite organism which works from the outside in. Living outside its host. A leech is an example.
- Efficacy (eFF-iH-Kah-see)
- A non-quantitive measure of effectiveness. Example: Sparying pesticides diminishes the biocontrol agent’s efficacy.
- Elemental (ell-eh-MEN-tahl)
- A substance in its most basic, raw, pure form.
- Embryo (eMM-bree-oh)
- A very early, pre-recognizable development egg stage of the unborn insect.
- Endoparasite (ehN-DOH-pahreh-eh-syTe)
- A parasite which works from the inside out, dwelling within its host. A nematode (the good kind I talk about) is an example.
- Entomogenous (enT-TOH-moh-jen-uss)
- A parasitic organism which lives in or on arthropods.
- Entomology (enT-TOH-moll-oh-jee)
- The scientific study of insects, thus one who studies insects is an entomolgist.
- Entomopathogenic (enT-TOH-pah-tho-jenn-ihk)
- An organism which can kill arthropods by way of poisoning, either through its own toxins or those it harbors.
- Entomophagous (enT-TOH-mah-fAH-Gus)
- An organism which uses arthropods for sustenance.
- EPA (Abbreviation) (Eee Pee Aay)
- Environmental Protection Agency. A United States governmental department tasked with protecting US citizens from environmental dangers, unsafe checmical exposures, run-off pollution and more.
- Exclusion (eX-kluz-shun)
- Use of screen, traps, barriers, etc., as a method of isolating plants from the surrounding pests, or vise-versa.
- Excrement (eX-kree-ment)
- Feces, droppings, bodily wastes, very often a good sign of insect activity useful to scouts.
- Exoskeleton (eK-Soh-skell-eh-ton)
- An exterior skeleton. The human skeleton, our bones, for example, are within our bodies. Whereas many insects, carry their structure externally, which affords them physical protection.
- Fauna (fAHw-Nah)
- The animals and arthropods in a given area in general.
- Feces (fee-Seez)
- Excrement, droppings, bodily wastes, very often a good sign of insect activity useful to scouts.
- Fecundity (feh-kunn-DIT-tee)
- The ability to reproduce, usually in great numbers. “fecundity rate” is the quantification of fecundity.
- Flora (floOR-ah)
- The plant life, including fungi (mushrooms, etc.), plants, molds, and the like in a given area in general.
- Germinate (juhr-min-NAte)
- To begin growth or to sprout. Germination.
- Good Bug (guhd buhg)
- A biological pest control agent, biocontrol agent, or beneficial insect.
- Herbivore (herr-bah-Vorr)
- An organism which consumes plants only.
- Hemocyte (hee-moh-Cite)
- A cell that plays a role in the immune system of invertebrates.
- Hermaphrodite (herr-MAH_Fro_Dyte)
- One having the reproductive organs of both sexes. Some can impregnate themselves or fertilize their own eggs, others can not.
- Homeostasis (hoo-me-OH-Stay-siss)
- A level of stability in an ecosystem. This can apply to any size or scale, even in a micro-sized form.
- Hormoligosis (horr-MOH-lee-goh-sis)
- A process by which a pesticide-treated plant releases an abundance of free amino acids into its sap, making the plant more nutritious to the pest organisms feeding on its tissues, and resulting in a population explosion of certain pests (e.g., mites) after application.
- Honeydew (hohn-nee-doo)
- The waste, poop, excrement of certain soft-bodied insects. Ants and others are attracted to this clear, sticky substance.
- Host (hohst)
- The organism supporting an ecto- or endoparasite.
- Hydroponic (hii-droh-PAWN-ick)
- A growing technique using water as a way of nourishing plants. Hydroponic growing uses no soil, though it does often employ a medium of some sort, usually something inert such as perlite or rockwool.
- Hyperparasite (hii-PERr-pahr-eh-syTe)
- A parasite of another parasite.