Biological Pest Control and Integrated Pest Management

Biocontrol/IPM Glossary

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REI (Abbreviation) (arR Ee eye)
Re-Entry Interval. (See PPE.) After spraying EPA-registered pesticides into greenhouses and other structures, a period of time must pass before greenhouse employees are allowed back into the factility without the proper PPE.
Residual (ree-szid-uu-al)
As it pertains here, residual refers to two things: Effect and Period (Duration). The residual effect of a particular chemical may be moderately toxic, while it may also have a residual period of many weeks — reamaining moderately toxic, at least to the biocontrols agents anyway.



Scavenger (skav-VEN-jerr)
Something which tends to eats whatever is available as long as its dead. Something which eats detritus. Hypoaspis miles might be considered a scavenger. Fortunately certain pests are also part of their diet.
Septicemia (sepp-TiH-see-mee-yuh)
A poisoning or contamination of the blood. The blood becomes septic and spreads bacteria throughout the body. This can cause death and often does.
Scouting (skoww-ting)
The act of dedicated and systematic plant inspecting, specifically testing certain specimens for pestiferous insects, mites and/or diseases while giving general crop overview. Includes identification, monitoring, data extrapolation and recording. And more.
Solarize (soll-are-RIze)
To expose to the sun. In this case, for prolonged periods in order to kill pests and soil diseases. A method of trapping the heat energy of the sun is used, usually a heavy plastic film capable of dealing with the heat.
Spiracles (spEER-ihk-kulls)
Breathing holes. An aperature or opening, or group threreof, used for the purpose of gaseous exchange for vital respiratory purposes. These spiracles are often found in rows along the sides of insects’ bodies. Weird, huh?
Sterilize (STERr-ilL-iize)
The clean or remove all bacterial and viral presence from something, an oblject, surface, etc. Prevents the transfer of pests and diseases. A clean ship…
Symbiotic (Sim-bEE-OT-ihk)
Pertaining to a relationship between two dissimilar but interdependant organisms. This relationship is sometimes of the host-parasite variety, but to be symbiotic, it must be mutually beneficial.
Systemic (Siss-TEM-ihk)
In reference to a chemical pesticide, a systemic chemical is applied to the growing medium, often in a granular or micro-encapsulated form. Its active ingredient(s) is translocated through the plant via the plant’s vascular system.



Thorax (thorR-axx)
The middle part of an insect, located between the head and abdomen. Akin to the human torso, if you will. The insect’s legs are attacthed to the thorax.
Toxic (TOXx-ick)
Poisonous. Toxic item cannot be consumed, touched, etc., depending. In this context it is referencing a pesticide which is toxic to biocontrol agents. If toxic to plants it’s phytotoxic.
Translocate (tranz-LOH-kate)
To move or reposition something. The movement of liquids is most relavant in the context of this site.
Trap (trahpp)
The act (v.) or device (n.) which traps. I often refer to a trap crop which by way of providing shelter, food, diversity and good times for all bugs, works as a trap in one way. A good trap-crop system can contain all the biocontrol activity in close proximity to a cash crop. A nice bed of some selected flowering perennial plants would work.



Unicellular (yeww-nee-SELL-uu-larr)
Organisms consisting a single cell. This is true of bacteria.
USDA (Abbreviation) (uU eSS Dee Aay)
United States Department of Agriculture. The governmental divisions handles all things related to biocontrol and IPM. This includes authorizing importation.



Vascular (vahs-KUL-larr)
By which means a living organism moves or translocates life-giving fluids through its system or body.
Vector (vekk-Torr)
An organism which produces a pathogenic fungus. I think this also pertains to an insect who can also transmit said fungus during its feeding activities.
Vermiculite (verr-MICK-kul-lite)
This is sterile — immediately post manufacture that is — and made of heat-expanded mica. The layers trap moisture that when heated exapnd and form a soft, lightweight, neutral material.
Vermiculture (verr-mee-kul-tuur)
The act of rearing or producing worms for fishing or composting. Typically the latter as it pertains to this material.
Virus (vii-Rruss)
The meaning of this word in this text is the same as it means in your dictionary. The viral strains in this case target certain plants. Just as small, just as deadly.
Viviparously (viv-vAH-payer-us-lee)
Quite simply it is live birth. Devloping inside the mother rather than inside an egg. Humans are vivaparous.



WPS (Abbreviation) (dubbauu pee ess)
Worker Protection Standard. This self-explanatory starndard was created by the EPA. It spawned new acronyms such as REI and PPE.



Xeriscape (zerr-eeh-skaap)
A desert-dry garden, regulated hot/dry greenhouse environment, or extremely water-conservative landscape planting.



Yield (yeel’d)
In my glossary it denotes a quantified output whether it be crop- or bug-associated.


